Monday, 13 December 2010

December 2010 - My Personal Development Plan


I have met my coursework deadlines so far
I have missed one English lesson but I will keep my attendance above 90%
I have emailed people for information (teachers, friends)
I have experienced my first job interview
I have got better at communicating with other people


Skills and attributes (score: 1 = no skill, 5 = fully developed)
Development activity
Time Management
Course Deadlines
Good Attendance
Communication Via Internet
Working With Others
With Peers and Staff

New targets:

Practice at communicating with different people (employers)
Feb 2011
Continue meeting coursework deadlines
Feb 2011
Keep up good attendance
Feb 2011
Learn to drive
July 2011

September 2010 - My Personal Development Plan

Academic Qualifications

Target Date
English Language
C Grade
January 2010
Applied Science
C D Grade (double award)
July 2010
Information Technology
A* Grade (double award)
March 2010
C Grade
July 2010
Media Studies
C Grade
July 2010
Physical Education
C Grade
July 2010
Food Technology
D Grade
July 2010
D Grade
July 2010


Meet coursework deadlines for both subjects.
Have a good attendance.
Email people to get information.

Skills and attributes (score: 1 = no skill, 5 = fully developed)

Development activity
Time Management
Course Deadlines
Good Attendance
Communication Via Internet
Working With Others
With Peers and Staff

Friday, 12 November 2010

Toby's IBM Presentation

This presentation was supposed to change our aspirations or ideas about what we want to do when we leave college.

Toby from IBM in Hursley is a programmer. He came into Itchen and started talking about how his career started up.

He had left Itchen in 1990, after studying computing/programming, then went on to University and got an apprenticeship with Barclay's who he worked with for a year in Africa.

When his University course finished he went back to work for Barclay's and he got in because of his previous work placement there.

One of his tasks in Africa (Botswana) was to put up satellites on the thousands of Barclay's buildings, which took him 3 weeks and he gained different skills which he never got taught in Uni/College.

After 3 years of working for Barclay's he transferred to an IBM programmer.
He has been there for 9 years now and he has travelled around, helping to fix problems in different countries.
He has worked in Customer Services and other departments.

My thoughts on IBM have changed as i wanted to go to IBM because i went there on an open day before with my aunt and uncle.

When i went there, there was someone designing a website, someone else working as an accountant, etc. When Toby came in for the presentation i found out that there were even more areas to work in for IBM. He spoke about how there is a lot of teamwork used and how the hours can be flexible to the individual person.

The downside of his presentation was he told us that they only usually accept university graduates, which is a shame because i am not interested in going to university and want to get a job after college.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Fairthorne Manor (Team Building Trip)

At around 9.15am the bus left for Fairthorne Manor and we arrived about 20 minutes after. when we got off the coach we were shown where to put our bags, then we were put into groups of 10. My group first got taken to Jacob's Ladder. Everyone had a go on Jacob's Ladder apart from me because i really didn't feel it was safe enough. The next activity was called The Crates, and again i did not take part in that because i don't feel safe on the harnesses. Each person attempting the activity was strapped to a harness and their rope was tied on to someone elses so they could be helped to stay up at the height they were at, and not worry about falling.

The group then went for a 20 minute break, before moving onto the next course of the trip. My group got Low Ropes. Low Ropes was a series of challenges, most involving ropes, and in teams of 5 we helped each other to get around the course, in which we used problem solving and co-operation which are useful interpersonal skills. The last one my team came across was an activity in which you had to cross over a length of ground, only using 2 planks of wood and they had to be placed onto little stumps of slippery wood - you couldn't touch the ground! For this activity we used hand gestures and positioned our arms to help get everyone across quickly.
The other activities on Low Ropes, which actually used rope, were; Barrel Run, Rope Swings, and others i cannot remember the name of. On one of the activities, in which you had to use a rope to walk across a wire, i stood behind everyone to stop them from falling backwards, and when it was my turn to walk across, i fell and nobody was behind me! (Not impressed with the teamwork!) ha ha. In this series of tasks there was use of leadership, in which someone took charge, went first and told the group how we would get through the activity successfully. The very last section was the Leap-of-Faith where you had to swing on a rope across a pool of muddy, cold water. Most people didn't make it without getting wet. Again i did not take part in this.

Then it was about an hours lunch break and for the final activity we went Raft Building. We were against a team and had to build a better raft than they could in 20 minutes. We did not succeed. Our raft fell apart before it even hit the water!
Before we went home, the teachers each had a go on the Leap-of-Faith, and not one of them made it through without getting wet!

The one activity we didn't get to go on was the Tightrope.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

My Skills and Attributes (scale 1=no skill - 5=fully developed)

Development activity
Time Management
Course Deadlines
Good Attendance
Communication Via Internet
Working With Others
With Peers and Staff

My Academic Qualifications

Target Date
English Language
C Grade
January 2010
Applied Science
C D Grade (double award)
August 2010
Information Technology
A* Grade (double award)
August 2010
C Grade
August 2010
Media Studies
C Grade
August 2010
Physical Education
C Grade
August 2010
Food Technology
D Grade
August 2010
D Grade
August 2010